SEG Automotive and its global partners in an effort to overcome the corona virus pandemic
A lot of medical equipment and protection masks are needed to guard the health of the diligent people working in health services. Together with our owner ZMJ, with local government in China and Chinese suppliers, we are bringing help to the local communities around our plants.
Donation to the City of Stuttgart
Together with the local government in Changsha, we have brought in a shipment of 24.000 masks from China and donated it to the City of Stuttgart, who will now distribute it to local day-care facilities.
"Young children suffer especially from social distancing. The donation of protective masks by SEG Automotive and the government in Changsha is of great help to us to support local day-care facilities in keeping up their operations," said Isabel Fezer, Mayor of Stuttgart.

Supporting Cantabria in this hour of need
Spain was hit especially hard by the corona virus. To help, SEG Automotive Spain donated a total of 100.000 masks to the Health Council of the Government of Cantabria, who distributed them to health centers in the region. ZMJ was the biggest contributor with 90.000 masks and even provided ten ventilators for intensive care units in the region.
The other 10.000 masks are originally a donation from the Chinese supplier Wuxi, located in Jiangsu Province to our plant in Treto. The supplier even wrote a hope message in Spanish “Vas a ganar cada batalla”, which means “You are going to win every battle”.
“These donations of urgently needed medical equipment from our colleagues and partners in China and the government there is a symbol of the solidarity that is needed in this crisis. The Corona pandemic can only be overcome together. I am glad that we can actively contribute to protecting the health of the communities around our location,” said CEO Peter Sokol.